Despite coming from artistic stock here at Coolector HQ, we’re completely inept when it comes to drawing but are always looking for means by which to remedy this which brings us nicely onto this cool looking project that goes by the name of the Draw Notebook.
Described as being a catalyst for your own creativity, the Draw Notebook offers plenty of engaging and innovative pages within that will help to compel you into artistic action and produce drawings that you might not have thought yourself capable of. This cracking little piece of everyday carry will be a great way of dedicate yourself to doodling on a daily basis and we’re massive fans of the aesthetics of this design project here at The Coolector. Check out a few more shots below:
If you’ve been looking for a way to fuel your own creative impulses but don’t know where to begin, top notch little accessories like this will be the ideal solution. Creative, fun and engaging, the Draw Notebook is going to find a lot of favour out there amongst creative types we’re sure.
See More: Draw Notebook