As we continue our steady and inevitable descent into obesity here at Coolector HQ for which our old adversary chocolate is principally responsible, more misfortune has befallen us insomuch as we’ve just come across a new form of chocolate that not only sounds delicious, it also boasts a brilliant design which caters to our love of top notch branding. The product in question? Omnom Handmade Chocolate. Oh yeah, it’s got an awesome name too.
Omnom is the result of a collaboration between Óskar Þórðarson, Kjartan Gíslason, Karl Viggó Vigfússon and André Úlfur Visage and we here at The Coolector cannot think of a more spiffingly designed bar of chocolate that we’ve ever encountered than this. As the chap’s names might have alluded to, they herald from Iceland, Reykjavík to be precise, and they have already conquered this Englishman’s chocolate loving heart with their fantastically designed packaging and excellent flavours which include the intriguing “Dirty Blonde” and the likely delicious “Milk of Madagascar” and “Dark Milk – Burned Sugar”.
So, if you have a love for chocolate as unquenchable as ours here at Coolector HQ, you are likely salivating at the look of Omnom Handmade Chocolate just as much as we are. Their online store will be launching soon but if you want to get your hands on any of their chocolate, you’ll need to move damn quick because we’re definitely going to be crashing their site with our vast order here at The Coolector.
See More: Omnom Chocolate