Father’s Day is approaching with great speed and if, like us, you leave your gift buying endeavours somewhat last minute, you might need a sherpa to guide you through the field of sub-par presents and put you on the path to having a happy old man this Father’s Day. Check out our pick of 10 of the best gifts for Father’s Day 2023 below:
Hoto Pressure Washer
There’s isn’t a dad alive that doesn’t enjoy a pressure washer. And they don’t come any better than this one from Hoto.
Huckberry x Timex Ironman Watch
Show your dad you think he’s the toughest of the tough this Father’s Day with this adventure ready Huckberry x Timex Ironman Watch.
Flint & Tinder Waxed Trucker Jacket
Instantly make your old man more stylish this Father’s Day with Flint & Tinder’s Waxed Trucker Jacket.
Weekender Sunglasses
Father’s Day coincides with summer which makes these Weekender Sunglasses the perfect, wallet-friendly, gift for your dad.
Relwen Bar Stripe Polo Shirt
What dad can resist a polo shirt? That’s right, none. And this is especially true when it looks as cool as the Bar Stripe Polo from Relwen.
Kudu Grill
Got a dad that loves to cook up a storm in summer? You’ll not find a better gift for Father’s Day than this top-notch Kudu Grill.
Whisky Peaks Beer Stein
Raise a glass to your dad this Father’s Day with this great-looking Whisky Peaks Beer Stein.
Helle Viking Knife
Old man a bit of an outdoorsman? Let him prove it this Father’s Day by gifting him this Helle Viking Knife.
Ridge Wallet & Money Clip
Pretty much every dad could do with a wallet upgrade. Do exactly that with this Ridge Wallet & Money Clip on Father’s Day.
Monopoly Luxury Edition
Probably the cause of many childhood arguments, why not relive them this Father’s Day with the Monopoly Luxury Edition.
Leo is the owner of The Coolector and writes about the stuff he loves. And some stuff that he merely likes.
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