10 of the best graphic tees for summer from Everpress

When it comes to adding to our graphic tee collection (which is extensive) here at Coolector HQ, the guys at Everpress are invariably a first port of call. They work alongside a boatload of independent artists who create some of the coolest, quirkiest tees out there and we check out 10 of the best for summer below:


Guinness is our tipple of choice here at The Coolector so this tee is a no-brainer for our summer wardrobe rotation.

Boulangerie Gang Tee

Croissants are our fuel and this T-shirt definitely speaks to our appetites. A must-have for our summer lineup.

Frog Tee

We’re not sure why but it’s clear that we must accept the frog. And who are we to argue?

Naan Tee

We could eat our own body weight in naan bread here at The Coolector and this shall be our uniform for doing it.

Fat Cat Wine Club Tee

Growing up in the 90s, Garfield was the comic of choice for us. And now we love wine so this tee is a win, win.

Hay Fever Tee

Probably the most relatable tee we’ve ever encountered. Pollen is an inescapable enemy.

Runner Beans Tee

We don’t run but we do drink coffee so this t-shirt will definitely be on our list for the summer months.

I’m Fine Tee

Looking forward to these sort of temps to be fair.

Become Ungovernable Tee

Be the master of your own destiny by buying this Become Ungovernable Tee this summer.


Heading on your holidays this summer? Found the perfect tee for you.

Leo Davie
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