Working from home is definitely something that appeals to us chaps here at The Coolector but as we are creatures of both habit and comfort, we would certainly requiring a welcoming home office to entertain this notion entirely. It goes without saying that one’s idea of the ideal home office will be completely open to interpretation but, equally, I think there are certain fundamental elements of a home office which it is absolutely vital to get right and, here at The Coolector, we believe that it is this 3:
Truth be told, we spend a lot of our time sitting around here at Coolector HQ waiting for inspiration to grab us so its imperative that we would have the creme de la creme of seating in our home office and we can’t think of a better candidate for this position than an Eames office chair like the EA108 above. Stylish, impeccably designed and ergonomically superior – yep, this Eames office chair certainly ticks all of The Coolector’s boxes for our home office seating.
You can check out some Eames office chairs – HERE.
If you’ve got the sort of accommodating boss who allows you to work from home, you need to make sure you don’t give him an opportunity to rescind that privilege so make sure your home office is fully stocked with all the technology that you will likely need in your day to day working life were you to be in the office. In The Coolector’s case, that would be a computer (how about the new MacBook Air) and an internet connection. But, far those of you that require a more well-stocked home office, you should make sure you’ve got all the basics covered like printers, scanners and the other pieces of technology that are pivotal to your work.
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If you’re going to be working from home, you might as well go the whole hog and bag yourself an awesome desk to work at such as the Stir Kinetic Desk which, as the video above admirably illustrates, definitely takes things to a whole new level – literally. The Stir Kinetic Desk is an adjustable height desk that has a tiny computer brain at its core and which works with a touch screen interface. It’s basically the sort of over the top but undeniably awesome bits of technology that we adore here at Coolector HQ and we’d definitely love to get our hands on one (when we’ve save up the $4,000 to buy one).
Check out the Stir Kinetic Table over at