Fight Club is, unquestionably, one of our all time favourite films here at Coolector headquarters and, similarly, we are equally enamoured with 8-bit videogames like Double Dragon and Streets of Rage so when these two loves of ours came together in the form of this awesome 8-Bit Fight Club from CineFix we were understandably delighted.
If any Fincher film was to lend itself to the 8-Bit treatment, it is surely Fight Club with Tyler Durden et al making for perfect videogame fodder. The brilliantly entertaining video above had us here at The Coolector transfixed for its 3 minute run time and made us want to stop what we’re doing and watch the awesome movie again. We’re big fans of retro videogames and movies and CineFix has given a multitude of iconic movies the 8-Bit treatment but I think it’s fair to say that their Fight Club iteration is our favourite to date.
There’s no beating Fight Club in our eyes but we’ll be certainly keeping abreast of CineFix’s new work as 2014 trundles along because there have been plenty of movies of late that may well be ideally suited to the unique brand of paying homage to vintage videogames and iconic films and we here at Coolector HQ can’t wait to see what they’ve got in store.
See More: CineFix