8 of the best American knife brands

The United States has a rich history of knife making, with several brands standing out for their quality, craftsmanship, and innovation. These brands have established a strong reputation in both the domestic and international markets, offering a range of knives that cater to various needs – from everyday carry (EDC) to specialized outdoor activities. In this article, we’ll explore eight of the best American knife brands, each known for their unique qualities and contributions to the knife-making industry.

Buck Knives

Founded in 1902, Buck Knives is synonymous with American knife making. Known for inventing the iconic folding “Buck Knife,” the brand has a reputation for creating high-quality, durable knives. Their products, often featuring classic designs and robust construction, are popular among outdoor enthusiasts and hunters.

Case Knives

W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Company, commonly known as Case Knives, has been crafting knives since 1889. Famous for their collectible pocket knives, Case Knives are known for their hand-crafting process and the use of unique materials like bone, stag, and mother-of-pearl in their handles.

Gerber Gear

Founded in 1939, Gerber is renowned for its innovative designs and reliability. They offer a wide range of knives, including EDC, tactical, and survival knives. Gerber knives are favoured for their modern designs and high-tech materials, appealing to a younger, more urban audience.


Most famous for their US Marine Corps Fighting Knife, KA-BAR has been a significant part of American military history. Since 1898, they have been producing rugged combat and utility knives, widely respected for their durability and effectiveness.

Benchmade Knife Company

Established in 1988, Benchmade is known for producing high-quality, precision-toleranced knives. They are renowned for their innovation in the industry, particularly for their AXIS lock mechanism. Benchmade offers a wide range of knives, including tactical, hunting, and EDC options.


Recognizable by their signature round hole in the blade, Spyderco knives are known for their functionality and ergonomic design. Founded in 1976, Spyderco was one of the first to incorporate a pocket clip in their designs, revolutionizing the concept of the modern folding knife.

Emerson Knives

Founded in 1996 by Ernest Emerson, Emerson Knives are known for their high-quality tactical knives. They are particularly favoured in the law enforcement and military communities for their ruggedness and reliability.

Chris Reeve Knives

Chris Reeve Knives, founded in 1984, is renowned for its high-end, precision-made knives. They are best known for the Sebenza folding knife, widely considered a benchmark for quality in the industry. Their knives, while on the pricier side, are prized for their exceptional craftsmanship and materials.

Leo Davie
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