99 Bottles of Craft Beer

We consider ourselves rather large craft beer aficionados here at Coolector HQ and we will spend large amounts of time in search of new tipples to tempt our taste buds but what we need is structure and that’s why this awesome looking 99 Bottles of Craft Beer scratch off chart from the, always excellent, Pop Chart Lab is right up our ale admiration street.

Pop Chart Lab are perennial purveyors of brilliant looking infographic style prints and this 99 Craft Beers Print is their first foray into the scratch-off territory and lets you keep track of the different craft beers that you’ve managed to imbibe. If you’re a fan of the craft beers, and you should be, then you’ll love this innovative little offering from Pop Chart Labs. Check out a couple more shots below:




Definitely one for the craft beer fans and not so much everyone else but that certainly makes it top of our wish list here at Coolector HQ and we’re in no doubt there will be plenty of other chaps out there who will this ace looking, interactive print hanging in their workspace.

See More: Pop Chart Lab

Leo Davie