David O’Russell is a director that I certainly have a lot of time for, having directed one of my favourite films in the form of the George Clooney / Mark Wahlberg, Iraq invasion classic, Three Kings. He’s obviously gone on from there to direct some other corkers like The Fighter and further Oscar bait with last year’s Silver Lining Playbook.
Well, I’ve obviously had the excellent looking American Hustle on my radar for some time now (not least because Bradley Cooper keeps popping up in the papers with a pretty impressive afro) and the above trailer confirms my suspicions that the movie is going to be pretty epic. Though the trailer doesn’t really allude to it too specifically, American Hustle is based on real events – namely, an undercover FBI operation called Abscam, which was tasked with uncovering the trafficking of stolen property in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. The trailer certainly looks like they’ve captured the era perfectly and Christian Bale, in particularly, is almost unrecognisable in his role as Irving Rosenfeld.
Bale isn’t alone in bringing some A-list quality to American Hustle – he is joined by Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Amy Adams, Robert De Niro and Jeremy Renner and it looks like they haven’t fallen foul of the too many cooks analogy. Take a look below at some of the stills from American Hustle to whet your appetite for this top class looking movie:
American Hustle is due out in during the Christmas period this year and is already looking a shoe-in for at least a couple of Oscars.