The weather can be a rather temperamental beast and we here at The Coolector have grown weary of the weathermen and women sugarcoating it for us and making us dress inappropriately for what’s actually going on outside our own front doors. We need something that cuts out the BS and gives the weather to us straight. Put simply – we need this excellent Authentic Weather App from New York based but Austrian born web designer and branding expert, Tobias Van Schneider.
If, like us, you’ve been caught out in the rain having been sure that you just heard the weatherman on the radio saying how glorious the weather is going to be then you’re definitely going to welcome a bit of technology that doesn’t beat around the bush and just tells you like it is. That’s exactly what we’ve got on our hands with the Authentic Weather App – and you can see just how no-nonsense this bit of kit is below:
When it comes to the weather, honesty is definitely the best policy and that’s what you’ll be getting with the Authentic Weather app. If it’s raining, you won’t get any of this “Chance of Showers” woolliness and, instead, will get something that calls a spade a spade.
If you want want to have a more honest overview of the weather in the future, you can download the Authentic Weather App – HERE.