blue claw bag navy

Blue Claw Co Goods

Blue Claw Co have many attributes that make them a firm favourite of us here at The Coolector, aside from their mightily fine crab…


Elysium Review

As a massive fan of Neill Blomkamp’s previous film, District 9, I went into the cinema really wanting to love Elysium. And it delights…


Editorial Plague Culture Cards

Vietnam is, without question, one of the most hauntingly beautiful countries in the world and though their history is littered with turmoil and loss,…

songs walls

Songs That Adorn Walls

With the dawn of digital downloads and MP3 players, the humble CD is somewhat of a lost medium and, in the eyes of The…

simon 1

Simon Stalenhag Artwork

It’s been rather a long time since we here at The Coolector have been quite so mesmerised by a series as artwork as we…

Dying Light

The Coolector has a bit of a soft spot for zombie apocalypses (though I dare say we are entirely unprepared to actually deal with…

Boss Patrol App

Slacking off at work isn’t very gentlemanly for sure but I think we can all agree that it is inevitable. Concentrating for seven or…

The Dollar Wallet

As a man who doesn’t really carry a wallet around, perhaps through frugality and not liking a cumbersome carry in my pocket, I do…


I am, upsettingly, given the fact the fact he seems pretty awesome, entirely unfamiliar with the work of David Seraris. I hoping that this…

Stumptown Cold Brew

Stumptown Cold Brew

We’re firm fans of coffee at The Coolector HQ but we’ve been left wrecks of men by the recent UK heatwave – an occurrence…


Nube Hammock Shelter

I think it’s fair to say that, as campers, we’ve pretty much conquered the ground so its patently time to take it to the…

Mob City

Mob City

If there’s one type of television programme or film that we here at The Coolector will always sit up and take notice of, it…


The One Percenters

It’s not everyday you come across figurines as awesome as these from Nedad Dodic which go by the name of The One Percenters and…