Poker night is a timeless tradition older than most. It is equally at place in a Sherlock Holmes movie, a Western Shootout, a sci-fi film, or your weekly schedule. But it’s Charles Lindbergh’s transatlantic flight on the Spirit of St. Louis in 1927 that has inspired the Aviator Playing Card set all those years ago.
This beautiful and functional card set is actually meant to honour another legendary airman, Howard Hughes. The explorer of the skies adorns the cards in a classic maps motif, printed on high quality card stock in brilliant design. Take a look at a few more shots below:
We’ll be wanting a few for our next poker night at Coolector HQ, which is nice: you can get a discount by ordering at least three of them. A really striking design and one that is sure to find favour amongst fans of playing cards and aviation history and heritage.
Price: from $6.95
See More: Dan and Dave