I love Wes Anderson. Platonically, you understand, and I will, quite unashamedly, put anything even remotely related to his exceptional body of work on the site. As may be apparent from the posts here on The Coolector, we’re also big fans of stylised artwork and these two loves have met head on with this utterly brilliant Bad Dads Wes Anderson Tribute Art Show which has got some of the finest examples of Wes Anderson related artwork that we have lain eyes on – and we’ve lain eyes on a lot because we spend about 80% of our day actively seeking it out.
The series of Wes Anderson artwork is being exhibited by the top notch Spoke Art gallery in the Lower Nob Hill neighbourhood of San Francisco and if, like The Coolector, you can’t be there, you can order the supremely stylish prints via their online store. The Spoke Art Gallery is a space that is specifically set aside to showcase contemporary art, illustrations and sculpture and they rotate their exhibits on a monthly basis – with this month being the undeniably awesome Wes Anderson artwork. Check out a few of our favourites below:
Price: $40+
Available: Spoke-Art.com.