When you find a purveyor of grooming supplies that works exactly the way you want them to then you’re going to stick with them for the long haul. Lamentably, however, finding this brand can be a little like finding the Holy Grail and is considerably easier said than done. There is one brand we’ve recently discovered however that boast a roster of awesome men’s supplies that goes by the name of Black Label Grooming and the will definitely fit in with those looking for well made products that perform exceptionally.
Black Label Grooming are the brain child of Matthew Statham and Nathan Titterington and operate out of Cheshire in the UK. They boast a small but perfectly formed selection of men’s grooming products that once you try them once are definitely going to become bathroom essentials because they use the best ingredients and provide an unparalleled level of performance.
Well Groomed
Tackling an issue that they saw of substandard men’s grooming products filling the market, the talented pair decided to set about making their own brand and raft of products and, with that, the Black Label Grooming company was born. They decided to offer an array of bespoke grooming products which puts quality above all else and tackled the diminishing standard of men’s grooming products head on.
For the Adventurer. For the No Fear, For Every Eventuality. For Men, For Life.
With the intention of delivering men’s grooming products that are both beneficial for your hair with impeccable performance targeted at the style conscious men of today, it’s easy to see why Black Label Grooming has really taken off and become a highly popular collection of products throughout the UK.
The quality of the hair products from Black Label Grooming immediately stands out and whether it’s their craft clay or shape paste that you’re putting in your hair, you can rest assured that it is made in the right way from the very best ingredients. Their craft clay is derived from Bentonite, a weathered volcanic ash, and provides a mighty impressive hold with the strength we all demand from our grooming products.
Style & Substance
As we say, there is definitely something to be said for finding a hair product that you’re happy with because it can be such a hit and miss affair. With the men’s grooming products from Black Label being amongst the best we’ve encountered of late here at Coolector HQ, it’s fair to say we can’t wait to see what other products they add to their line up in the coming months.
If you’ve grown weary with the quality of your current hair styling products and want to go for something a real cut above, you’ll definitely discover what you’re looking for with Black Label Grooming. Well made, brilliantly branded and boasting superior quality throughout. Do your hair a favour.
See More: Black Label Grooming