For anyone hankering over the good old days of movie making with all the modern technologies of today’s advanced cameras, you’ll want to get your hands on one of these stunningly attractive Bolex D16 Cinema Cameras.
Bolex are a brand famed for the quality of their cameras and the D16 continues this tradition wonderfully well. Combining the aesthetic of cameras used in the heyday of cinema with cutting edge digital technology, the D16 will give you the opportunity to test out your auteur capabilities. Designed to fit comfortably in the hand and providing footage with organic look, the Bolex D16 Camera is a great looking addition to the amateur film maker’s arsenal and provides a real sheen to any filming endeavours.
The D16 films in 12-bit CinemaDNG raw format which, essentially, means that you can film cinema quality footage simply and effectively and we here at The Coolector have high hopes of giving Scorsese et al a run for their money in 2014. Check out this spiffing device in the video below:
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I think all of us believe we’ve got a movie in us (albeit in almost all cases, a terrible one) and the Bolex D16 Cinema Camera lets us put our money where our mouth is as it were. A great looking and highly advanced device that has definitely left us impressed and itching to make a movie here at Coolector HQ.
Price: $3,300
Available: Bolex.