When the time comes to invest in a new wallet, you’re going to want a piece of everyday carry that has both form and function and it’s fair to say that these glorious looking Carbon Wallets that are funding over on Indiegogo right now perform extremely well in both these departments.
The Carbon Wallets are a small but perfectly formed collection of different wallet sizes that will match any requirement that you will have for your EDC. These cracking designs are both technologically superior and exceptionally stylish so they won’t let you down from an aesthetic point of view.
Providing an incredibly robust finish due to the genuine matte carbon style leather materials used in their construction, these Carbon Wallets boast all manner of eye-catching features that will set them apart from the competition which includes RFID protection, premium leather finish, ample storage and an understated cool slim design that certainly appeals to our sensibilities here at Coolector HQ.
You can check out a few more shots below of the various different designs of these magnificent looking Carbon Wallets over on Indiegogo:
Available in a number of different iterations including The Iconic, The Avant, The Classic and The Slimline, these spiffing Carbon Wallets are crafted in Australia using the very best in materials for the immeasurably stylish and durable piece of EDC that you see before you.
The carbon visuals of these wallets unquestionably gives them a whole new edge from an aesthetic point of view and for those men who put a lot of stock in the excellence of the EDC, you’re unlikely to find many better candidates for the job than these stealthy, super cool Carbon Wallets. If you’ve liked what you’ve seen, you’ve still got plenty of time to make your pledge and pick up the style of your choosing over on Indiegogo.
Show Support: Indiegogo