There have been some truly iconic motor vehicles to have made it onto the silver screen and, as big film aficionados here at Coolector HQ, we’ve got a lot of time for anyone who showcases these vehicles in an engaging way – a fact which brings us rather nicely onto this Cars We Love series of photography from Cihan Ulalan.
Cars We Love was born out of the Turkish photographer’s love of the impact that movie’s iconic vehicles make on us and he aim to showcase these vehicles in a highly striking and eye-catching series of photography – an objective which he has patently achieve as you can see above. Batmobiles are prevalent in the series so far but Ulalan states that its an ongoing series so expect to see many more vehicles added to the collection in due course.
Ulalan is an advertising photographer from Istanbul who spends most of his time in LA and his eye for a good shot definitely shines through in his Cars We Love series of photography which breathes new life into the Ghostbusters wagon and the Delorean from Back to the Future. A great series of photography and one that was definitely up our movie loving street here at Coolector HQ.
See More: Cihan Ulalan