
Jakub Rozalski Artwork

There is something about dystopian style artwork that appeals to our sensibilities and we’d hitherto not seen many people doing it better than a…

Cult Movie Playing Cards

We’re big movie fans here at The Coolector and we like to wish we could gamble (though this has repeatedly proven not to be…

Sideways Sign Co

New York is one of our favourite cities in the world here at Coolector HQ so we’ll inevitably gravitate towards goods that celebrate the…

Art V Cancer

Cancer is obviously a disease that has the propensity to touch anyone’s life at one point or another and the sooner we can eradicate…

Hand Embroidered Notebooks

If you’re the note-taking sort then chances are you’re a creative chap and, if that’s the case, you’ll likely appreciate these frightfully creative Hand…

Six Mile Pencil

The use of pencils is, lamentably, on the wane and this is a crying shame for those of use who grew up doodling with…

Beer Quotes Print

Beer is fuel. I think this is a fair assessment for most men but there are a good deal more profound quotes about the…

Wang Ruilin Animal Sculptures

Sculpture isn’t normally our bag here at The Coolector but there are some pieces that are too eye-catching and engaging to ignore and that’s…

The Filmography of Guns

Calm the Ham are veritable regulars on the pages of The Coolector but we make no apologies for this because they regularly produce prints…

We Are Ink’d

Tattoos are, of course, a pretty permanent undertaking so you will likely want to put some serious consideration in before committing the ink to…

Kokeshi Matches

Matches might not be the regular fare that we’d typically feature on the pages of The Coolector but it’s not everyday that you encounter…

Zombie Safe Zone Prints

The zombie apocalypse may not be impending any time soon but that’s no reason not to be prepared for the inevitable uprising of the…

Duncan Shotton Sticky Page Markers

If you’re the sort that still enjoys reading hard copies of books and have yet to graduate onto e-readers and tablets then you’ll likely…