
The Walking Dead Motorcycle

The Walking Dead is one of our favourite shows of late here at Coolector HQ and there is little doubting that Daryl is one…

The Leviathan

Sci-fi movies are something that we’re massive fans of here at Coolector HQ and when we see something as out and out awesome as…

Simpsons LEGO Kwik-e-Mart

Simpson’s LEGO is nothing new, of course, but the Simpsons universe is a mightily large one and this gives scope to the Danish toy…


We’ve got pretty diverse tastes when it comes to videogames here at Coolector HQ (when we can tear ourselves away from FIFA and GTA)…

Gran Luchito Chilli Paste

We’re not amazing at handling spicy goods here at Coolector HQ, we’re always endeavouring to expand our palate and given the fact we’re complete…

The Secret Life of Superheroes

Let’s face it, the Hulk, Iron Man, Spider Man et al can’t be out saving lives and kicking ass the whole time. They need…

Fight Club 2

Some 16 years since the movie release and nearly 20 since the book, Fight Club remains one of our favourite pieces of literature and…

Jon Snow Plush by Mick Minogue

With the impending return of Game of Thrones to our screens getting us rather excited here at Coolector HQ, you’ll forgive us for spending…

Flaviar Spirit Boxes

Given that we’ve been watching Mad Men to more or less obsessive levels of late here at Coolector HQ, our penchant for spirits has…

Ghostbusters Board Game

There are few films that we’re willing to watch on repeat viewing more than Ghostbusters here at Coolector HQ so we were understandably delighted…

Munk Pack Fruit Squeezes

As suckers for branding here at Coolector HQ, there was an air of inevitably about the fact that we would fall hook line and…

Sump Coffee

Though it’s been a little while since we featured any coffees on the pages of The Coolector that certainly doesn’t mean to say that…

Hütte Hut

Hitting the open road is an undertaking that very much appeals to our sensibilities here at Coolector HQ but, truth be told, given our…


Having been borderline obsessed with an Commodore Amiga game by the name of Mega Lo Mania in the early 90’s here at The Coolector,…