
Star Warps

Star Wars is a mild obsession of ours here at Coolector HQ and whilst we twiddle our thumbs waiting for J.J Abrams take on…

Aspen Brewing Company

Though we’re not ski aficionados at Coolector HQ, Aspen is undoubtedly a place that we’d like to visit and this desire has increased exponentially…


Popcorn is a favourite snack of ours here at Coolector HQ so whenever we stumble across awesome looking iterations of this delicious snack, we…

New Eden

New Eden

Videogames have advanced immeasurably in the last quarter of a century but just because the visuals have improved, it doesn’t mean to say that…

Spodee Wine

The world of wine can be quite a stuffy one that is daunting for those unaccustomed to the complexities and terminology involved and that’s…

Toys Invasion

Super-imposing LEGO characters into real life situations is nothing new of course but when it is done well it remains an immensely gratifying experience…


For those more accustomed to seeing Steve Carrell as Michael Scott and Channing Tatum as Jenko from 21 Jump Street, this excellent looking movie…

7 Deadly Sins Cat Version

Cats being hilarious entities is something I think we can all agree upon. With this in mind, we were delighted to stumble across this…

Tru Bru

Craft beer is an overt obsession of ours at The Coolector and when we come across those who offer it by the growler load,…

Streets New York

New York is unquestionably one of our favourite cities on earth here at The Coolector and the sheer diversity and scope for urban adventuring…

Dude, Sweet Chocolate

Though the photo above is, in our mind, reminiscent of the awesome Fight Club poster, it is chocolate and not soap which is under…

Reebok Bacon

Given our Ron Swanson-esque love of bacon here at Coolector HQ, we were a little perturbed to hear that the global sports brand Reebok…


Kevin Smith is a movie director who, in our opinion, has been a little hit and miss with his offerings in the past and…

Stone Creek Coffee

I think that it’s fair to say that coffee is one of the few fields in which craft ales are rivalled in terms of…