
Mack Isbjørn (Polar Bear) Beer

We like beer at The Coolector. We’re also partial to polar bears given their obvious awesomeness. Imagine our delight, then, when these two loves…

Godzilla Trailer

We were curious as to what Walter White would get up to after his adventures with Jesse Pinkman et al and, as it transpires,…

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley holds a certain fascination for us here at Coolector headquarters but there’s no doubting that it is ripe for parody and, in…

This Is A San Francisco Map

San Francisco is undoubtedly one of the favourite cities that we’ve visited here at Coolector HQ but, safe to say, our lack of navigational…

Guardians of the Galaxy

Given our love of Chris Pratt for his Parks & Recreation awesomeness, it would be entirely remiss of us here at Coolector HQ not…

Bacon is a Vegetable

We’ve long held suspicions that bacon is a vegetable here at Coolector HQ and we were delighted to stumble across this fantastic looking book…

White Whale Cocktail Mixers

Though we’re more partial to beer here at Coolector HQ, it’s not unheard of that we’ll dabble in cocktails from time to time but…

Kings Biltong

Now, admittedly, we’ve only tried biltong once and whilst it didn’t blow our mind, it was most palatable indeed. The reason, perhaps, that we…

J&B Tattooed Whisky

Though we have no tattoos nor can easily stomach whisky here at Coolector HQ, we’ve fallen inexplicably and inexorably in love with this limited…

Sixpoint Hi Res Beer

Beer is our weakness. And this rather awesomely branded and delicious sounding Sixpoint Hi Res Beer is set to make us weaker than most….

Ponysaurus Brewing Co

When a brewing company has the following to say about itself… The beer beer would drink if beer could drink beer… we here at…

Craft Beerds Book

There are few things that we have more time for here at Coolector HQ than a good old craft ale and we’re definitely on…