Cielo Sportif Classic from Tanner Goods

If you’ve ever been to Portland, Oregon, you know it to be the most bike friendly city in the country, or at least it would be if it weren’t for the massive hills placing it behind Minneapolis in most major lists. Portlanders love their bicycles as much as their independent coffee shops and boutique stores: A lot. Which is why one boutique leather manufacturer has put together the Cielo Sportif Classic.

Tanner Goods version of the renowned Cielo bicycle pairs custom steel construction with a set of three waxed canvas bags. They suggest small necessities in the handlebar bag, bike tools in the saddlebag, and a picnic or other payload in the frame bag. I suggest not leaving this bike out in Portland’s rain. Check out a few shots of this cracking steed below:







The Cielo Sportif Classic Tanner Goods edition comes in 5 sizes with three colour options for the bags. Tanner’s custom tanned leather is personal a favourite for wallets and belts, and their bags are sure to never disappoint. Throw some tyres that never go flat on this bike, and ride around the world!

Price: $4,995

See More: Tanner Goods