If you’re the sort of fellow who always likes to be prepared (to drink beer and look well-groomed) then you’ll want to take notice of this rather excellent looking little accessory that goes by the name of the Bomber Card from Corter Leather. It is ideally suited to the sort of chap who has a manly beard and head of hair and who also requires regular libation because it offers both a comb and a bottle opener and, somewhat superbly, is slim enough to be tucked away in your wallet.
Corter Leather are leather goods company based in the rather lovely location of Cape Cod in Massachusetts and they produce a whole host of fantastic leather accessories such as wallets, belts and bags but it is one of their non-leather offerings in the form of the Corter Bomber Card that has caught our eye here at Coolector HQ.
As regular imbibers of beer, we often find ourselves in the horrendous predicament of having a bottle of beer that we can’t open and whilst we’re not gloriously hairy, there’s always times when a comb will come in handy so this Bomber Card from Corter will sit nicely in our wallets. Crafted from kitchen grade 305 stainless steel which has been CNC cut for a smooth finish, the Corter Bomber Card is proudly made in Indiana and will be a must have accessory for most modern men. Check out a couple more shots below:
If, like us, you’re perennially on the hunt for cool accessories to add to your everyday carry, you will likely have been won over by the awesomeness of the Bomber Card from Corter. Lightweight, versatile, resilient and functional, this cracking little device should certainly be finding its way into many a wallet in 2015.
Price: $28.50
See More: Corter Leather