If we put up a print from every illustrator and graphic designer whose work we’ve fallen for on the walls of Coolector HQ then, safe to say, space would be somewhat of a premium but some are too good to be ignored and that is the case here with a Chicago based illustrator by the name of Ryan Duggan and his brilliant collection of artwork that goes under the moniker of the Drug Factory Press.
Duggan has definitely got his own distinctive style which has struck a chord with us here at The Coolector and his fantastic series of prints would definitely force their way onto our already heavily ear-marked walls such is their patent awesomeness. A talented chap indeed, Duggan has seen his artwork featured all over the world including Tokyo, London, Berlin, Toronto and in his own home city of Chicago, of course. You can see why it has been so popular below:
We’re definitely fans of Duggan’s work and if you are too, you’ll find plenty more to enjoy with his Drug Factory Press collection of artwork. We’ve pretty eclectic tastes when it comes to the sort of stuff we enjoy here at Coolector HQ but you can definitely place the work of Duggan firmly in our list of likes because, let’s face it, anyone who includes the original grumpy cat, Garfield, in their artwork is alright by us.
See More: Drug Factory Press