We’ve got some pretty good elastic band skills already here at Coolector HQ but there is always scope for ramping up one’s capabilities in the office warfare realm and we think we might have just discovered our next harbinger of doom in the form of these rather excellent looking elastic band shooters from Elastic Precision.
If you’re equally as immature as we typically are at The Coolector then your eyes will also have lit up when you saw these awesome looking little weapons from Elastic Precision which will have you unleashing the stinging pain of elastic bands on your colleagues with wild abandon. Available in a number of different iterations, and taking their design inspiration from iconic weaponry such as the Walther PPK and M5 machine gun, these cracking elastic band shooters are right up our street and we’re definitely hoping to get our hands on some and upping our elastic band game here at Coolector HQ. Check out a few of these brilliant looking weapons below:
We’re already pretty accurate with our finger / gun elastic band system we’ve got going on here at Coolector HQ but reloading speed is an issue and that will definitely be remedied with this superb Elastic Precision Shooters that come with elastic bands and a smashing finish. Hand-crafted from various different woods such as walnut and hard maple (depending on which gun takes your fancy), it’s hard not to be impressed with how much craftsmanship has gone into their creation. If you’ve grudges to be settled in the workplace (or, like us, just like taking random potshots at people) these will be the ideal deliverer of your retribution.
Price: $19.99+
See More: Elastic Precision