With the latest season of Game of Thrones have recently reached its dramatic conclusion, we’re obviously already experiencing the withdrawal symptoms until season 7 rolls around so we’ll likely be filling this time with awesome bits and pieces like these Game of Thrones Illustrations from Eran Mendel that capture some of the most iconic moments of the most recent season.
Eran Mandel is a graphic designer and animation director who clearly has a flair for striking, minimalist designs that immediately catch the eye. His series of GIFs that bring some of season 6’s most memorable moments to life including Ramsay’s long overdue demise and the Hound’s new found affinity for chopping wood. You can take a look at a few of the best from Mendel’s collection of illustrations below:
There is a distinct level of tongue in cheek humour that has gone into these amazing illustrations from Eran Mendel and any fan of the Game of Thrones series will definitely join us here at Coolector HQ in absolutely loving the clever pieces of design. With so many jaw-dropping moments transpiring in series six of GoT, it must have been difficult to narrow down which ones to cover but Mendel has unquestionably done a cracking job.
See More: Eran Mendel