There are advancements in the world of motoring all the time and some are great and some not so much but the awesome looking Exploride HUD definitely falls into the former category and this cracking piece of design, which is currently undergoing funding over on Indiegogo, is certainly something we’d like to see in our own cars.
The Exploride HUD is billed as a smarter and safer way to read maps, answer calls and listen to music whilst driving and it also happens to look ace as well so there will be a lot of drivers out there right now wanting to have one attached to their dash.
Combining cutting edge gesture technology to allow drivers to carry out hands free tasks such as text messaging, access to maps and changing music, the Exploride is the tech lover’s ideal car companion. Take a look at a few more shots of this cracking device below:
There are plenty of features packed into the Exploride that set it apart from the crowd such as GPS, dash-cam, cloud based technology, gesture control and plenty more besides that make it a technological advanced addition to any vehicle.
Show Support: Indiegogo