We featured a rather exceptional print called The Filmography of Cars a little while ago here on the pages of The Coolector and we were delighted to hear of a follow from the chaps over at Calm The Ham called the Filmography of Aircraft which, as you might expect, follows a very similar principle as the automotive variety whereby they document some of the most famous aeroplanes to have graced the silver screen over the years.
Calm The Ham offer some of the finest prints we’ve laid eyes on here at Coolector HQ and their latest iteration, currently seeking funding over on Kickstarter, the Filmography of Aircraft print is the perfect gift for the aviation aficionado and all sorts of cracking looking machines have made their way onto the print including planes from the likes of Top Gun and Con Air and we’re thoroughly impressed with the striking visual appeal of the piece which will definitely find favour even if your not a fan of aircrafts. Check out a few more shots of the great looking print below:
We’re forever on the lookout for cool stuff to hang on the walls of Coolector HQ and whilst I wouldn’t place us in the aircraft buff category, it’s impossible not to fall for the painstakingly hand-drawn print from Calm The Ham and we’d definitely be happy to see this hanging above our workspace.
Available: The Coolector Store