We’re big fans of card games here at Coolector HQ but, truth be told, we’re more fans of the playing cards themselves than the actual games that we’re playing and that’s why we’re constantly on the look out for brilliantly designed sets of playing cards to enjoy and we’ve just uncovered the new apple of card deck eye in the form of those from Frausto & Co.
Specialising in specific types of playing cards with each dedicated to a certain genre, we’ve fallen pretty hard for the eye-catching designs of Frausto & Co. and, as you may have anticipated, their beer set of playing cards is unquestionably our favourite. Heralding from Chicago, Frausto & Co. are the work of Ambar Frausto who has lent her impeccable design skills to one of our favourite mediums i.e. playing cards and you can check out just why we love them so much below:
If you’re wanting some new, and awesomely designed, playing cards this spring, you’ll find exactly that with these ones from Frausto & Co. and we’re hoping that they add to their spy, beer et al playing cards over the coming months so we’ll certainly be keeping our eyes peeled here at Coolector HQ.
Price: $16
Available: Frausto & Co