There are few films that we’re willing to watch on repeat viewing more than Ghostbusters here at Coolector HQ so we were understandably delighted to discover something rather excellent during our daily trawling of Kickstarter and that, sir, is the fact that we are soon going to be able to play a Ghostbusters Board Game courtesy of the chaps at Cryptozoic Entertainment.
Ghostbusters was one of the 80s finest movies in our humble opinion so a board game has certainly been a long time coming and given the fact it has already garnered nearly half a million dollars in funding on Kickstarter, it would most certainly appear that we’re not the only ones hankering for a Ghostbusters themed board game here at The Coolector.
This great looking board game is for 1-4 players and lets you assume the role of the Ghostbusters in an episodic adventure game which sees players trying to capture ghosts in a number of different ways. The board game will feature artwork and figures from Dan Schoening who worked on the Ghostbusters comic book series which adds a touch of authenticity to proceedings. Check out a few more shots of what the Ghostbusters Board Game has in store below:
If you’re just as obsessed with Venkman et al as we are at The Coolector then you too will be rushing to throw your support behind this brilliant Kickstarter project to create a Ghostbusters Board Game. It is already well and truly funded so you needn’t worry about it coming to fruition and it is looking as though we might just be spending large parts of 2015 reminiscing about the 80s by playing this awesome looking nod to one of the finest films of the era.
Show Support: Kickstarter