We were curious as to what Walter White would get up to after his adventures with Jesse Pinkman et al and, as it transpires, he’s now got bigger fish to fry than Gustavo Frings. Considerably bigger. The new, extended trailer for the Bryan Cranston starring Godzilla has just landed and, safe to say, it’s caused quite an impact.
Check out the extended version of the Godzilla trailer (of which we gave a sneak peek of a month or so ago) above and you’ll see why many are anticipating this being the summer’s must-see blockbuster movie.
Following fairly hot on the heels of Pacific Rim, Godzilla looks to be equally as impressive in the special effects stakes but, in the opinion of us here at Coolector headquarters, has the upper hand on that courtesy of starring everyone’s favourite chemist, Walter White. That being said, however, Pacific Rim did have Stringer Bell in it – so, it’s a tough call. We’ll just have to wait until Godzilla is released this summer to make our final decision.
See More: Godzilla Movie