Hipster Alphabet

Being headquartered in the Shoreditch area of London, we are surrounded with more than our fair share of hipsters at The Coolector so when we stumbled across the Hipster Alphabet from web designer, Michael Mahaffey, which categorises hipsters into the various different quirks that they typically have in an alphabet format.

Mahaffey originally created his Hipster Alphabet, which consists of a cracking illustration and witty description, to improve his capabilities at the coding languages of HTML and CSS and, as you can see, it’s worked wonderfully well because it looks excellent.

For anyone whose city is beset with hipsters, you will likely recognise plenty of the characteristics on show in Mahaffey’s Hipster Alphabet such as fixie bikes, home brews and whisky. We love this tongue in cheek coding and illustrative project and you can check out a few more of the letters below:

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We love little independent design and illustration projects like the Hipster Alphabet here at Coolector HQ and it’s particularly pertinent for us given the fact we are slap, bang in the middle of hipster central in Shoreditch. A great looking, humorous project that will certainly resonate with plenty of Londoners out there.

See More: Hipster Alphabet