With the tagline of “local craft beers on tap” we immediately sat up and took notice of the Hopsy HomeTap when we stumbled across it here at Coolector HQ and we’re absolutely no doubt at all that there will be plenty more craft ale lovers equally as excited about the capabilities of this awesome looking device.
The Hopsy HomeTap has sufficient storage space for four pints of your favourite craft beers and will keep them fresher for longer (coupled with the unrivaled joy of pulling your own pints). Combined with Hopsy’s online beer delivery service, the HomeTap is an essential purchase for any craft ale aficionado and it will ensure the quality of the ales you’re pouring. Check out a few more shots below:
Hopsy are a brand that are likely already on the radar of beer lovers and this ace new accessory that they have to offer will merely serve to add to their reputation as an ideal ally for craft beer fans. The HomeTap is definitely to our tastes here at The Coolector and we know there will be plenty of other chaps already keying in their card details as we speak.
See More: Hopsy