Having a heads up display in your car is something that might seem like an unnecessary expenditure given that they can be quite expensive but the fact is that you’ve pretty much got one in your pocket at all times in the form of your smartphone and a cracking project on Kickstarter that goes by the name of Hudway Glass which harnesses the power of your smartphone to give you an awesome looking HUD in your car.
The Hudway Glass allows you to utilise on heads up display app on your smartphone and relays it to the screen that has been carefully crafted to ensure it works both on clear days and in poor visibility. Working both at day and night, the Hudway Glass assists you during your drive whilst not distracting you from it and the clever design has certainly made an impression on Kickstarter where it has already exceeded its funding target.
The affordability of the Hudway Glass definitely sets it apart from the crowd because instead of offering a technological piece of kit, it aims to utilise the power inherent in your smartphone to produce a highly useful gadget that drivers will love. Check out a few more shots of it in action below:
[vimeo width=”750″ height=”450″]https://vimeo.com/142882596[/vimeo]
A clever piece of design that makes use of the technology that you carry around with you on a daily basis, the Hudway Glass is the sort of impressive innovation that we appreciate here at Coolector HQ and for anyone looking for a functional and eye-catching HUD for their car, you’ll be hard pressed to find a more suitable one than this.
See More: Hudway Glass