Hungry, Hungry Clarkson

3D printing is great. End of story. It can be used for good, like the 3D printing of limbs and what have you. And it can also be utilised for much more bonkers end results such as this hilarious looking and painfully awesome Hungry, Hungry Clarkson Board Game.

If you’ve been living beneath a rock for the last few weeks you’ll probably not be aware of the timely nature of this superb example of 3D printing but the Top Gear presenter isn’t really flavour of the month at present and this reimagining of the children’s classic Hungry, Hungry Hippos has left us thoroughly amused here at Coolector HQ.

Crafted by the talented fellows over at CEL Robox this spiffing creation will let you enjoy the board game in a whole new light and make it a much more adult friendly affair as well. Now all it needs are miniature 3D printed steaks for him to chow down to make the game as lifelike as possible. Take a look at a few more shots of this hilarious creation below:





If the thought of playing Hungry, Hungry Hippos as Clarkson is one that appeals to you then a] join the club and b] rejoice as the chaps at CEL Robox provide instructions on how to make this excellent piece of 3D printing for yourself.

See More: My Mini Factory

Leo Davie