Though we’re probably all well aware of the acoustic capabilities of horns, it takes a talented bunch of chaps to apply this knowledge to our day to day lives. Permit us to introduce you to the iHorn which, most likely, will soon become your next music amplification device of choice if you boast the same Ron Burgundy-esque design tendencies as us here at Coolector HQ.
The iHorn is the work of Swiss design team and it boasts both the visual appeal and technological features that today’s consumers invariably demand. A stunning statement device that will definitely make your musical choices all the more apparent, the iHorn is an acoustic amplifier that is designed for use with any iPhone or iPod device.
It takes its inspiration from the horns used by ancient tribes and is crafted from ceramic and teakwood with a highly impressive finish that will look awesome in contemporary homes. You won’t need to plug your iHorn into your mains electricity – just place your iPhone or iPod in there and it will amplify your tunes and fill the room. You can check out a few more shots of this Flintstones-esque beast below:
So, if you’re looking for a new music player that doesn’t rely on electricity and runs on sheer awesomeness, the brilliantly crafted iHorn is definitely the one for you.
Available: iHorn