To be perfectly honest, I’m not the most proficient driver but as a fan of F1 and rally driving, I’ve certainly got a lot of respect for those chaps who can control vehicles at high speeds. With this in mind, I’m sure you’ll join me in picking your jaw up off the floor after witnessing this mesmerising feat of driving above.
It is has been created by the team behind Need for Speed and Ken Block, who was asked to create the ultimate GRID race track and he duly obliged by coming up with the Gymkhana Six witnessed in the vide0. Billed as a playground for a racing driver, in this case Ken Block himself, it takes mind-boggling skill to negotiate the various drifts and obstacles that are encountered including Police on Segways and wrecking balls (minus Miley Cyrus).
Brilliantly filmed, much of it on the new GoPro camera, you’ll feel like you’re right there on Block’s expertly conceived Gymkhana Six course and we here at The Coolector can’t help but think that it would take us about twenty times as long to navigate and that we’d cause considerably more damage to both car and track.