We’re an inherently rather lazy bunch here at Coolector HQ and anything that makes our lives ever so slightly easier is invariably welcomed with open arms. It is for this reason that we’ve had our heads turned by this rather spiffing little app for your iPhone that goes by the name of Knock.
This clever little number is gloriously simple in its execution and objective and may well replace the common password for thousands of equally as lazy men and women as us here. Essentially, the Knock App will serve as your access to your Mac and will allow you to unlock your computer with a simple double tap of your phone’s screen. That’s all, tap twice and you’re in. This will prove beneficial to those who are abhorrent at remembering their computer passwords (looking squarely at myself here) and if you’re unlucky enough to have your phone stolen, you don’t have to worry about those no good thieves unlocking your Mac with wild abandon as you can login online to your Knock account and disable the feature.
We’re definitely more than a little impressed with the Knock app, which works via low powered bluetooth connectivity and, if the video above is anything to go by, it will make unlocking your computer all the more enjoyable and a whole heap easier (big bushy beard optional).
You can download the App from the iTunes Store.
Download the file for your computer – HERE.