To be perfectly honest, we can think of a few pressing security issues inherent in a safe made out of wood but, fortunately, this awesome looking Mr Knox Wooden Safe is made with tongue firmly in cheek. That isn’t to say, however, that it isn’t impeccably crafted and functional so if you’re after some first class furniture for your abode, this might just do the trick.
A safe would, of course, typically be made from a heavy weight steel or some other equally as impenetrable material so it’s certainly visually arresting to see one crafted from wood but don’t let the humorous undercurrent fool you, the Mr Knox Wooden Safe is exceptionally well put together and has the intricate cog system that you’ll typically encounter on a more conventional looking safe. We’ve no valuables to speak of here at Coolector HQ but owning one of these cracking looking safes has now becoming a pressing concern for us and you can see why from the images below:
These fantastically manufactured pieces have cnc cut gears that are fully functional and each one is delivered with a cool wood ‘gold’ brick to keep in there alongside your other bits and pieces. Comically billed as being 99.9% safe, the Knox Wooden Safe is a great feat of engineering and would undoubtedly be a welcome addition to Coolector HQ. If you’ve an eye for the unusual and want to surround yourself with such items, this awesome piece is available for purchase so, if you’ve liked what you’ve seen, you know what to do.
See More: Mr Knox