Sci-fi movies are something that we’re massive fans of here at Coolector HQ and when we see something as out and out awesome as this teaser called The Leviathan we invariably head immediately to look for the movie’s release date and we were stunned to discover that this stunning piece of work from Oscar nominated director, Ruairi Robinson, is currently merely a proof of concept but we’re hoping that it’s going to be secure a full theatrical release because, as you can see from the video above, The Leviathan looks painfully awesome.
Set in the 22nd century, after humans have colonised much of the galaxy, the story of The Leviathan follows something that sounds implausible but looks incredible – namely, the harvesting of the eggs of giant worms to enable travelling at the speed of light – and the special effect wizardry on show in the three minute piece above showcases just why we’re desperate for this proof of concept to make it onto the big screen.
The piece is, as mentioned, directed by Ruairi Robinson, who has made his name in advertising principally, and has Fight Club screenwriter, Jim Uhle, so there is definitely a lot of impressive talent behind the camera and the action itself left us agog here at The Coolector and we’re sure you’ll join us in hoping that this amazing looking sci-fi project makes it into cinemas before too long.
See More: Ruairi Robinson