Mick Minogue Drive Operation Game

Whilst Drive isn’t exactly a new movie, it remains one of our favourites here at Coolector HQ and we’re always delighted to stumble across bits and pieces that celebrate its awesomeness. Safe to say, however, a Drive inspired version of the popular children’s game, Operation, wasn’t quite what we were expecting but it’s definitely what we wanted.


Mick Minogue is a talented artist from Ireland and this isn’t the first time he’s featured on the pages of The Coolector, having also wowed us with his brilliant Jon Snow plush doll, and his Drive Operation Game is equally as superb. For any fans of the Ryan Gosling vehicle, see what we did there, this brilliant creation is certainly going to be popular.

Madcap Design

Famed for his stylised take on popular culture, mainly in the form of film and television, Mick Minogue has now created quite the back-catalogue of amazing work, with this Drive Operation Game sitting close to the top of our list of favourites. Made for the Love of Art show in Dublin a few years ago, this is exactly the type of playful, funny artwork that we typically favour at The Coolector and we’re sure that it will definitely find an equally receptive audience amongst fellow Drive fans.



It is a fully operational version of Operation and you need to use your tweezers to painstakingly remove all the iconic items shown in the movie from the Gosling’s body. This includes the likes of toothpicks, broken teeth, a hammer, stolen money, bullets and, needless to say, the heart. If you hit the sides in this Drive version of the game, you don’t hear the traditional buzzer but rather a much more fitting car revving noise.

Amazing Memento

This piece of artwork is now available for sale, Minogue initially decided to keep it but now one lucky Drive fan will be able to cash in on his decision to put it up for sale. It is hand-made, hand-painted and boasts an amazing characteristic style synonymous with all of Minogue’s artwork.


Quite simply if you’re looking for the ultimate gift for a fan of Drive, and you’re particularly generous (it’s retailing for €800), then there is no better choice than this Drive Operation Game from Mick Minogue. Funny, functional and made with great attention to detail, we wouldn’t be surprised if Gosling himself wanted to snap this up.

See More: Mick Minogue

Leo Davie
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