There is seldom a day going by without us spending undue amounts of time looking for bizarre bits and pieces with which to fill Coolector HQ but some awesomeness arrived much earlier than normal today in the shape of these amazing sculptures from Dutch designer, Rosa De Jong, that go by the name of Micro Matter.
This first rate design project are described as tiny little worlds which are all made by hand by De Jong and it’s hard not to be won over by the painstaking detail that has gone into their creation. Superbly inventive and aesthetically pleasing to say the least, this Micro Matter project is certainly the sort of undertaking we love here at The Coolector and these brilliant looking pieces will be available to purchase if you’ve like what you’ve seen. Take a look at a few of our favourites from De Jong’s collection below:
Meticulously put together, these miniature worlds are spectacular and supremely cool and if you want to make your workspace considerably more interesting in 2016, plonking a few of the pieces from De Jong’s Micro Matter series in there will definitely be a step in the right direction.
See More: By Rosa