The use of pencils is, lamentably, on the wane and this is a crying shame for those of use who grew up doodling with our HB pencils but it is often the case in the digital age that a pencil needs to have a hook for people to sit up and take notice and that’s what we have on our hands with this brilliant design undertaking from Lyon & Lyon, the Six Mile Pencil.
The Six Mile Pencil isn’t, as you may have initially thought, a gargantuan pencil measuring six miles in length but rather a pencil that has six miles worth of granite inside and a measurement gauge on the side that lets your thoughts travel and gives your doodles and scribbles a tangible yardstick. For every diagram, doodle and equation your draw, your pencil will diminish in length a little as you work towards completing six miles worth of etchings and whilst the idea isn’t revolutionary, it is an engaging means of getting people to realise that not everything needs to be digitised in this day and age and there’s nothing wrong with a good, old-fashioned pencil.
Lyon & Lyon are a Sheffield based international design agency and their Six Mile Pencil Packs are currently undergoing a round of crowd-funding over on Kickstarter as they seek to garner the support of the pencil lovers out there. Each pack consists of four pencils and a mini notebook and boasts a highly aesthetically pleasing design that will appeal to the creative types. Check out a couple more shots of this cracking project below:
Whilst we’re just as guilty as the next man at not using pencils any more here at Coolector HQ, this project has undoubtedly appealed to our sensibilities and by adding that level of tangibility to the use of pencils, Lyon & Lyon look to be onto a real winner with their Six Mile Pencil Project and there is still an abundance of time to show your support over on Kickstarter.
Show Support: Kickstarter