There is a certain sense of satisfaction to be garnered from knowing that you’re purchasing goods made in the right way by craftsman as opposed to the sort of mass-produced tosh that will typically be found on the high street. With this in mind, we here at The Coolector have definitely got a soft spot for the wonderful selection of wares on offer from self-proclaimed “Purveyors of Fine Goods”, MollyJogger.
Based in the Ozark Mountains, this authentic heritage brand offers an exemplary selection of outdoor recreation and hunting accessories and clothing. The brand takes its name from the Mollyjoggers Hunting and Fishing Club which was founded in the region in around 1890 and, it’s fair to see, they are serving their name well with their tip-top selection of goods which ranges from t-shirts to the, wonderfully named, 1906 Badass Badger Brush.
Founded by Rick Stagner, a fourth generation retail shopkeeper, the MollyJogger brand is certainly in a safe pair of hands and the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree as he has inherited his passion for all things retail from his parents and ancestors – a fact which is wonderfully exhibited in the superb array of goods to be uncovered on the MollyJogger website. Take a look at a few of our favourite offerings they currently have below:
Check out the rest at MollyJogger.
And if you’re wowed by the photography of their products – Nate Luke is your man.