Origami is a skillset well above our station here at Coolector HQ but it’s definitely a capability that we admire and when you add illumination into the mix, then you can help but be thoroughly impressed and that’s why this excellent endeavour called the Perch Light by architect and designer, Umut Yamac, left us pretty mesmerised.
As you can see from the, admittedly rather brief, video above, the Perch Light is a bird shaped light fixture that gently rocks back and forth and is constructed from folded paper and brass. Yumac is a London based architect and his Perch Light project is all the more impressive because of the simple principles it uses to create something so aesthetically arresting. The Perch Light is brought to life through contact with the stand which illuminates its core and allows to balance and swing without the need for any cabling whatsoever.
With a design inspired by nature, the structure the bird has been carefully counterbalanced to ensure that it will sit motionless on its perch unless it is given a gentle push to set the rocking in motion. We’re all for innovative forms of lighting at The Coolector and this is one of the best we’ve encountered of late courtesy of its highly minimalist yet innovative design and you can check out a few more shots below:
The clever design and use of simple materials really sets this product apart and it’s hard not to be won over by its eye-catching movements and illumination. For anyone after a genuinely unique piece of lighting for their home then now is the time to get petitioning Yamac to start making this brilliant fixture a commercial offering.
See More: Yumut Yamac