It’s fair to say that the Playstation 4 is a pretty awesome machine and we’re delighted to have one residing in Coolector HQ but there is one bug bear with the console (GTA: 5 not withstanding) and that is the pretty terrible soundtracks that are inherent in most videogames these days and that’s why we were delighted when Spotify teamed up with Sony to create Playstation Music which, somewhat wonderfully, permits you to listen to your favourite tunes whilst enjoying some of the brilliant gamut of games available on the Playstation 4 (and 3 for that matter).
Playstation Music is a welcome addition to the ever-growing list of features on Sony’s flagship device and streaming music into your favourite games will definitely ramp up the enjoyment still further. So, if you want to play FIFA whilst listening to John Barnes rap World in Motion then you, sir, are thoroughly in luck because that’s exactly what you’ll be able to do.
With literally millions of songs at your disposal with Spotify on Playstation Music, you’ll never be short of options when it comes to adding a new musical slant to your game playing antics and we’ll definitely be adding this awesome feature on our own console, that’s for sure. Take a look at few more shots of Playstation Music in action below:
If you’re serious about your gaming and your music then Playstation Music is a perfect intermingling of these two things and if you’ve got a PS4 that you want to personalise still further with your own awesome playlists then it would be madness not to capitalise on this top notch feature.
The Playstation 4 is already a magnificent console but it is now that little bit more superb courtesy of this joining of powers between Sony and Spotify and we can’t wait to download the app for ourselves.
See More: Playstation Music