TOMS Roasting Co

Chances are that you’ll be well aware of the admirable cause of TOMS shoes whereby for each pair of TOMS sold, a pair is…

Android Wear

After the considerable response to the Triwa smart watch we recently covered (which was merely a concept), you can imagine our delight when we…

Mod Notebooks

Keeping notes is somewhat of an imperative in most lines of work, at least for those in the creative industries, and owning a notebook…

REC watches

REC Watches

As you may be aware, we’ve certainly got an affinity for interesting timepieces here at Coolector Headquarters and we’ve just stumbled across a frightfully…

Frausto & Co Playing Cards

We’re big fans of card games here at Coolector HQ but, truth be told, we’re more fans of the playing cards themselves than the…


We’re a fairly careless bunch here at Coolector HQ and the number of times we’ve wandered off leaving, often valuable, pieces of technology and…

Solé Bicycles

We’re always on the lookout for new bicycles here at Coolector HQ not because we need one but because there are some decidedly awesome…

Beardition Skin Care

Beards are pretty great. We wouldn’t know given our utter incapability to grow one but what we do know is that they are difficult…

Ressence Type 1 Watch

When Ressence first showcased their timepieces over a year ago, we here at Coolector HQ were left genuinely speechless by their innovative design and…

Whiskey Barrel Coffee

As we’re no way near as cool as Don Draper here at Coolector HQ, we simply can’t countenance whiskey at all really. We’ve tried…