Let’s face it, the hoverboard is still some ways off in terms of being a commercially viable product for consumers so we might as well focus on those products that are currently available to us and if they are all as awesome looking as the Radical MOOV, funding over on Kickstarter now, we might not need the hoverboard at all.
The Radical MOOV is billed as being America’s next big rideable and it has been designed and crafted from the ground up by a team of adrenaline enthusiasts operating out of Dallas, Texas. This eye-catching little steed is, of course, along the lines of conventional self-balancing scooters on the market but there are so many new bells and whistles synonymous with this one that you’ll soon see the difference as being chalk and cheese.
Two Wheels Good
One of the most stand out elements of the Radical MOOV are its components, which have all been sourced in America and, better still, each one is hand manufactured in the States as well which ensures a superior quality to most other similar rides on the market. Through the use of proprietary technology and dynamic ride profiles Radical have been able to make sure that their MOOV offers an enhanced riding experience quite unlike anything you will have experienced before.
With steering controls which are based on weight as opposed to foot angle, the Radical MOOV feels considerably more sporty and fun than traditional self balancing scooters. Extremely simple to hop on and hop off (a real foible of other machines), the Radical MOOV boasts powerful LED lights to illuminate your ride and a rigid ride platform that allows for much more nimble turning performance than other machines.
The Radical MOOV has a unibody design with integrated smart sensors and a machine grade aluminium frame to ensure its robustness and durability to keep up with any adventures you take it on. The impact absorbing wheels ensure the ride is a smooth one and they are suitable for both street and indoor surfaces alike. With the MOOV from Radical’s integrated smartphone app, you can keep track of various metrics from your excursions such as distance travelled and riding time.
Customise Your Ride
Another advantage of the Radical MOOV is just how customisable to your tastes it is. Taking their design inspiration from skateboarding and snowboarding, its creators have made sure you can customise the decks of the MOOV to suit your own style and they are secured with powerful magnets to make it quick and easy to swap out decks when you fancy a change.
If you’ve been on the lookout for a cool new means of getting about and fancied a self-balancing scooter with a touch more class and performance capabilities, this Kickstarter project is likely the one you’ve been waiting for. It’s already taking the platform by storm and there is still plenty of time to pick up one of these ace looking steeds for a bargain price.
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