We’ve been on the hunt for more and more eco-friendly products of late here at Coolector HQ and that led us squarely to the door of the bonkers bur brilliant S O A P B O T T L E which is funding over on Kickstarter as we speak. This fantastic project is a new line of sustainable grooming products filled in a packaging which is crafted from soap. Innovative stuff indeed.
If you’re wanting to make more eco-conscious decisions in 2021, S O A P B O T T L E on Kicktarter might just be the perfect place to start. The beauty of this product lies in the fact that once the liquid content is finished, the empty container can be used as hand soap and will wash away over time. What this means is you’ve got a great looking product whereby waste can be completely avoided. Win, win.
Keeping Things Clean
This fantastic innovation rethinks everyday items and takes your experience with your grooming products to a new, enjoyable and meaningful level – without compromising sustainability which is something we should all be on board with. The flagship product for this Kickstarter campaign is The S O A P B O T T L E Originals. These contain 100 ml of a soft and nourishing body wash which has been crafted from natural ingredients.

Every year, millions of tons of packaging waste are sent to landfills or disposed of into the environment, which leads to the drastic degradation of the natural ecosystems on which we rely upon and this is an issue that S O A P B O T T L E on Kickstarter is looking to remedy with their eco-friendly, sustainable products.

By turning the product into packaging, they have transformed the concept of packaging-free cosmetics to come up with a sustainable solution for liquid care products. Unlike any other packaging, the S O A P B O T T L E is made from a soap formula that can be entirely used like hand soap and “washes away” together with the wastewater over time.
Material Matters
The soap for the packaging on S O A P B O T T L E is made from organic ingredients, oils, and caustic soda. While the container is used, the material washes away together with the used water. Next, it decomposes entirely into the sewage plant after a few days. There you have it, no waste.

With prices starting at just €44 for a S O A P B O T T L E set which consists of 3 x 100ml bottles, 3 x metal closures, 3 x sustainable ribbon and a sustainable gift pack, this will make a great present for an eco-friendly individual in 2021. Like what you see with the S O A P B O T T L E? Head on over to Kickstarter to grab yours now.
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