Needless to say, having recently watched The Last Jedi, are thoughts are very much preoccupied with Star Wars here at Coolector HQ and we’re probably spending an undue amount of time on the hunt for awesomeness pertaining to Skywalker et al. Well, we didn’t have to search far today after stumbling across these Samsung POWERbot Star Wars™ Limited Edition Vacuums which will be the perfect purchase for anyone with a love of a tidy home and Star Wars.
Available in a couple of different iterations – namely, Darth Vader and Storm Trooper styles – these fantastic looking, not to mention technologically advanced, Samsung POWERbot Star Wars™ Limited Edition Vacuums boast powerful suction which delivers optimal cleaning results every time you turn to the Dark Side to clean your living room. Expertly designed and executed, these brilliant looking devices have definitely made us want to clean more frequently here at Coolector HQ.
Join The Dark Side
Positively overflowing with amazing technological features including visionary mapping, CycloneForce technology, Edge Clean Master and Fullview Sensor 2.0 to name but a few, you’re unlikely to find an automated cleaner more accomplished than these fantastic looking Samsung POWERbot Star Wars™ Limited Edition Vacuums. The best is still to come because they boast some of your favorite Star WarsTM sound effects whilst they operate and includes lightsabers and Darth VaderTM breathing, as responses to the control commands you deliver.
The Samsung POWERbot Star Wars™ Limited Edition Vacuums use the Visionary Mapping™ Plus to accurately map the layout of every room and ensure that no spot goes uncleaned. This is joined by the FullView Sensor ™ 2.0, which is capable of detecting and avoiding the sorts of obstacles it will typically encounter such as chair legs and sofas over a wider area. It’s Edge Clean Master has a bristle brush and clever drop-down shutter which captures the dust trapped in corners and along the edges of the wall.
It’s the CycloneForce Technology that really makes these Star Wars vacuums amongst the best in the galaxy and offers consistent power with less clogging. With strong centrifugal forces which do an admirable job of separating dirt and debris into an outer chamber to maintain long lasting suction power and ensuring that it does a first rate job of cleaning any room in your home.
Lightweight and Manoeuvrable
Highly functional and perfectly performing, these Samsung POWERbot Star Wars™ Limited Edition Vacuums has intelligent power control which automatically detects the surface type it’s on to best optimise the suction power it requires. From wood to carpet flooring and everything in between, the POWERbot doesn’t just have its Star Wars awesomeness on its side but also its unparalleled cleaning capacity.
Star Wars fans with a cleaning affinity are going to love the look of these ace vacuums from Samsung and the neat little design touches throughout with their nods to the Star Wars galaxy are the real icing on the cake. Expertly crafted and delivering a performance that is second to none, these vacuums are going to be an essential purchase for a lot of tech loving Star Wars fans out there.